Very helpful walk through the facets how money interacts with humans! It was almost a bit surprising to transition to the key role of cross-chain communication in the later sections, as so much of the article talked more about "community" in the geographic sense. But after thinking about how even for the small set of community types examples "geographic, familial, socio-cultural, or otherwise" interplays with value capture and sharing in community types, it starts to become clear. The key is in what is different about the value system inherent in a bitcoin, say, compared to GTC or even, more differently, FIL, where the economy, purpose, and value of the community around those two has a purpose quite different (in useful ways) than that of BTC.

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Great stuff. Would also be curious what a “decentralized force” would look like or be formulated? I imagine like most militia/guerrilla forces that have come before but they where driven mostly by the ‘Charismatic’ incentives of an ideology or leader.

What’s Guillotine DAO gonna look like?

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